Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities in Botany and Plant Conservation
Field Trip Leaders Wanted
Are you familiar with botanically interesting sites in or near Connecticut? Do you want to share your knowledge of plants with CBS members and with the public? The field trip committee is seeking both field trip locations and field trip leaders. (If you're not familiar with our field trip program, see the field trip page.) Email us.
Do you enjoy writing? The Connecticut Botanical Society Newsletter accepts articles on botany, conservation, and related topics in Connecticut and southern New England. See the Newsletter section for more information on contributing.
Native Plant Trust Seeks Conservation Volunteers
The New England Wild Flower Society is currently seeking applicants for a plant conservation program in Connecticut called the Plant Conservation Volunteer Program (PCV). The PCV Program puts the skills of amateur botanists to work relocating and collecting data on populations of selected rare plants for the heritage programs throughout New England. The information collected by the PCV Program enables state heritage programs to update rare plant records that often haven't been updated in decades and is also finding many previously undiscovered rare plant populations. PCV's participate in field trips to botanically rich locales, help with habitat management projects that benefit rare plants, and conduct botanical surveys at no cost for municipalities and land trusts. The PCV Program is active in every New England state and has several hundred volunteers.
Candidates should ideally be committed to the conservation of the native flora of Connecticut and knowledgeable about plants; however, the society will train enthusiastic amateurs. All potential volunteers are asked to complete an application. If you know of any interested persons, we recommend that they submit the application as soon as possible, as the required training session will be held in early March.
For more information, see the Native Plant Trust Conservation Volunteers page.