Please join us on October 19, 2024, for the CBS fall meeting, from 9 am to 1 pm. Meeting Location: Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area
This meeting will include a fantastic botanical lecture, elections (including for your new CBS President!), and another lovely botanists’ potluck.
A warning to your pocketbook: this event is free (of course, as always!)…. but afterwards, you might find yourself booking plane tickets to East Asia and stuffing a few hand lenses in your carry-on. ✈️🌱
Why? Because our featured topic is none other than the Eastern Asian – Eastern North American Floristic Disjunction, “a curious phenomenon that has fascinated botanists for over 250 years.”
CBS President Emeritus David Yih will reveal why an entire catalog of plant genera is shared by two distantly separated regions — East Asia and our own Eastern North America — but found nowhere else in the world. This disjunction has inspired generations of researchers and given impetus to such fields as biogeography and paleobotany. Scientists now recognize many different disjunct patterns around the world, but the eastern Asian – eastern North American pattern was the first to be discovered, and remains the classic disjunction.
How did it come to be? What are the plants involved? David will present woody and herbaceous plants from both sides of the disjunction in a talk you won’t want to miss this talk?
Sesions Woods Wildlife Management Area, 341 Milford Street, Burlington