Connecticut and the region
Endangered and Threatened Plants of Connecticut, from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Go Botany (from the New England Wild Flower Society) is a great resource for information on the plants of New England.
Connecticut Notable Trees pages list historical trees and the largest of a species in Connecticut. Notable Trees is a joint project of the Connecticut College Arboretum and the Connecticut Botanical Society.
NY-NJ-CT Botany Online has a variety of botanical information for the greater New York metropolitan region. The site is especially valuable for its extensive list of botanically interesting natural areas.
Bedrock Map of Connecticut shows in detail the bedrock that underlies each part of the state, along with descriptions of the bedrock types.
Image Collections
Fungi Images on the Net provides links to 1600 photographs of fungi.
Weed Images from Rutgers University is very helpful for identifying weeds.
Weed Images from University of Massachusetts is also very helpful for identifying weeds.
Ferns et al. of New England covers a large fraction of our area's ferns and fern allies.
Vascular Plant Image Gallery from Texas A&M University is a very large collection of plant photos. Searches by plant name or family only.
Plant Databases
The USDA's PLANTS Database has a distribution map for virtually every plant growing in the U.S.
Flora of North America is a partially completed guide to plants in the U.S. and Canada. Plants are described in detail, with taxonomy, distribution maps, and drawings.
Gymnosperm database has detailed descriptions of over 1000 gymnosperms, such as conifers and cycads. Some plants are pictured.
General Botany
One Zoom Tree of Life is a family tree for all living things, starting at the level of kingdoms.
Glossary of botanical terms comes from the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Major biomes of the world provides an introduction to the world's ecological regions.
Seaweed page from the National University of Ireland, Galway provides information on seaweed, some of it aimed at the general public, some for algae experts.
Gardening with Native Plants
Native Plant Trust's Ecological Gardening has detailed information on native trees, shrubs, and vines for the landscape in the northeast.
Wild Ones is a national organization with local chapters that emphasizes gardening with native plants. The Wild Ones website provides many resources, such as native plant garden designs and recommended readings.
Wild Ones Handbook is an older guide to landscaping, emphasizing plants of the plains region.
Invasive Plants
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England is a terrific source of information on invasive plants: identification, distribution, means of spread, etc.
Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group is an organization dedicated to management of and research on invasive plants in the state.
The National Plant Conservation Alliance's Weeds Gone Wild and the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health both provide lists of invasive plants and information on how to manage them.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Information page has information on all plants and animals listed by the federal government as endangered or threatened.
Leafsnap, a field guide to trees designed for mobile devices.
Native Plants of New England Facebook Group is a place to ask questions or chat about plants native to New England.
Dictionary of Botanical Epithets and Botanary allow you to look up the meaning of the Latin or Greek in scientific names of plants.
SciStarter connects interested members of the public to science projects they can participate in. The site includes hundreds of research projects, including some botany projects, such as monitoring the time of first bloom of native plants and tracking invasive species.
USDA Forest Service Wildflower Coloring Pages has drawings of wildflowers that can be printed for coloring purposes.
Other Organizations
In Connecticut
Connecticut Butterfly Association
Connecticut Entomological Society
Connecticut/Westchester Mycological Association
George Safford Torrey Herbarium at UConn
Joshua's Tract Conservation and Historic Trust
Killingworth Land Conservation Trust
Madison Land Conservation Trust
New England Native Plant Initiatives
Northern Connecticut Land Trust
Peabody Museum Herbarium at Yale University
Shelton Land Conservation Trust
Botanical Club of Cape Cod and the Islands
North American Native Plant Society